Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hi Everyone!!

Its almost the middle of July! If your a gardening freak like me then you know that all flowers are in full bloom right now!! So you know what that means?! It means you start cutting those flowers and decorating your house with them! You should see the inside of my house!! Vases upon Vases of flowers everywhere! I just love flowers!!

I don't feel that everyone needs to go out to a florist and buy an expensive bouquet of roses to have a gorgeous wedding bouquet or flower display for your home.. You can get that right from your back yard or local plant sale! If your a future bride to be make your own bouquet! Your gonna be throwing the bouquet over your head at the end of the wedding anyway so why waste all that money on a florist for right?? In March I ventured out into Philadelphia to see the Philadelphia Flower show! The theme was Gardens of Paris. It was breathtaking!!! Now the only element these floral bouquets were missing was some gorgeous antique ribbon to wrap them in... I feel that every bouquet of flowers should be wrapped in antique ribbon...Here are floral bouquets to inspire!!! and antique ribbon to wrap and bow them in...

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